Thursday, August 11, 2016

Red Velvet

If I have time, I like to work up a couple different refashions for each Refashion Runway theme, and then pick my favorite to submit. This one turned out rather nice but just didn't quite make the cut. It began with a lovely smocked velvet robe.

Velvet Tulip Dress - Before

I removed the collar, zipper, cuffs, and sleeves. The sleeves formed the new front panels, while the upper back remained the upper back. I round the lower front corners of the skirt portion before reattached it to the bodice with a little elastic at the waist. And tada! Faux wrap, red velvet, tulip dress!

Velvet Tulip Dress - AfterVelvet Tulip Dress - After

Velvet Tulip Dress - After

For more details, check out the full post at CarissaKnits!

Velvet Tulip Dress - Before & After


  1. I LOVE IT!!! I love everything about this refashion -- the color, the style. Good luck with the challenge.

    Jennifer, EOD

  2. That is an amazing refashion - brilliant!

  3. You look so lovely in this dress! so beautiful color , you did great job !

  4. WOW! This is absolutely beautiful Carissa! Love the tulip dress style on you. This would've been a contender for sure, too.

  5. Love it! The tulip bottom is beautiful!



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