Saturday, August 20, 2016

Refashion Runway Metallic Sewalong

If you haven't had a chance to see the Metallic Challenges of Refashion Runway yet, you really need to check them out. Voting is closed, but these ladies are so creative! You'll want to look if you missed it last week. For my "sew along" piece, I chose this Bright Purple two-piece wonder.

It looks dark, like eggplant, but it is more like a royal purple; very bright, very loud!

I used only the skirt of this piece. There was more fabric there than meets the eye, so I did some draping on my dress form and came up with a 4-way convertible Tunic:

The metallic floss is pretty scratchy up against my skin, but I really don't care :) The metallic is nice for special occasions, but for every day wear I'll stick with black. 

I love the "peek-a-boo" metallic hem at the neckline.

I did some more draping with the material and realized I could wear it as a halter too.

The sun was going in and out with the storm that was settling in. You can't see the metallic in the Black tunic very well but (I thought) it was a really cool effect.

For .99 cents (and a little experimentation with draping) I was able to get 4 looks instead of one. Not bad :)

For my full tutorial on this process, check out my blog.

Also, be sure to check out THIS week's "Button" Challenge and vote for your favorite!


  1. Superbe ! et très bonne idée car ça fait plusieurs vêtements en un ! Bravo !

  2. Wow, that is so pretty and I love the versatility. Fabulous!
    Chickie EOD

  3. Merci, Elisa! Vraiment, il s'agissait d'un accident! Thanks, Chickie :)


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