Tuesday, August 09, 2016

The Striped Dress

Hello Refashion Co-op. I loved this dress. I loved the stripes and yellow band on the bottom. As you can see it was too big through the chest. (Way to big.)

It was a simple fix. I took in each side a bit and it changed the fit of the whole dress for the better. The arm holes closed up like I needed and the whole upper half fit nicely.

I also decided to do something with this nightgown. It is a full-coverage nightgown, if you know what I mean. (Head to toe, Victorian era coverage.) I found it at a clothes swap and even though I don't like nightgowns, I loved the eyelet lace. 

I made a pillow case out of the skirt and a bit of the bodice. I like the eyelet on bedding much better than I liked that nightgown.

For more pictures and details about both of these projects go to I Can Work With That.
Thanks for reading, now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. Nice save on the nightgown, turning it into a pillowcase. The fixes really helped the dress, and I love the big color block at the bottom of the dress. So pretty.

    Jennifer, EOD


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