Wednesday, September 14, 2016

#7 August Back to School: Lace added to Tunic

GOAL: Refashion 10 Items for August Back to School. 

This is #7.

*I pledge not to buy anything RTW or thrifted for my new job and Back to Elementary School Wardrobe, 
I plan to make it through the school year.
*I am shopping from my closet.
*Dress is business-casual to very casual.

BEFORE: From the closet. Thin two-layer gauze tunic. Lace from the stash.
I wanted to take it up a notch and to copy the "more lace is better" look popular in my new school 

STEPS: Sewed  2 strips of stash lace side by side to make a wider lace.
Edged the turned up cuff and the hem.

AFTER: Very fast and easy refashion. Worn today with black maxi broomstick skirt.

2 strips of lace
stitched side by side

Lace added to cuff

After with lace

Lace added



  1. Ha ha, I have seen that 'more lace is better' look around a lot as well.

  2. Lace makes everything better. Great job.

    Jennifer, EOD

  3. So Cute, I love the white on white.


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