Well, here we are on the last week of Refashion Runway! It's been a lot of fun this season. The ladies who have participated are all so talented and friendly! Beth, The Renegade Seamstress, has been the perfect hostess, as always!
This last challenge consisted of refashioning something in Pantone's color of the fall season, Riverside Blue. I always find the color challenges a bit harder since you are limited as to what you can find in the thrift shops. But, sometimes those limits help to push the creativity.
My challenge began with a black leather coat that I had in my stash. I picked it up for $2.00, stored it away and forgot about it. When I came across it again, I thought it might work well for this challenge. All I needed was some denim in the right color.
Even though the denim jumper was close in color, I gave it a RIT dye bath. I used 1 tsp. evening blue, 1 tsp. denim blue, and 1 quart of water. (I actually tripled the recipe to give the fabric plenty of room to move around in the dye bath.) You can consult the RIT dye studio to find how to mix the dye to get the colors you want.
I also found a sleeveless chiffon dress and lace top that I used to make a dress. The bonus was that the background color of the dress was Airy Blue, one of the other colors for the fall season.
I refashioned a small purse to complete the outfit.
If you would like to see the tutorial on how I complete each piece, please visit my blog,
Second Chances by Susan! Thanks!
I hope you have enjoyed this season of Refashion Runway, I know I did!
Thanks to everyone who helped to make this season a success!
I completely agree - the color-themed challenges are the most difficult! You did a marvelous job though, as always. You really are a talented seamstress!
That jacket is amazing. I am blown away. The dress is a cool mix of fabrics too. Great purse to tie it all together. Wow.
I love the coat!