Friday, September 16, 2011

Cupcake Dress

More fun with tea-shirts, I mean T-shirts and natural dyes.


Plus this:

Equals this:

It's hard to tell by the pics but the dress is really an off-white color now.

More details in my blog:


Eileen Cox said...

AWESOME way to make that favorite t-shirt of hers get just a bit more wear! I was always trying to do that for my sons, but alas, they wouldn't wear a dress like this....and coming up with refashions for little boys is a bit tougher (and often not as cute!).

Unknown said...

That is so lovely - gonna go and look at some more pics!

Corina said...

Yeah I think it's easier to please girls. All i have to do it add ruffle, or lace or pink and she likes it. hahah I don't have any boys so I can imagine that it's tougher.

Refashion said...

So cute :D


Lovenicky said...

What a great refashion! Love it!

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