Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Finishing details…


Remember this? I made it ages ago from one of my grandad’s old shirts. I took it in, reset the sleeves and made a new collar.


I reused as much as I could, these bits were the cuffs. Faffy, but cute.


But I didn’t have enough to make any facings. I decided to leave it because I’m lazy, but mum really liked it so I gave it to her. That was ages ago and she hasn’t really worn it because the snipped edges flap up sometimes and look messy.


Cue 6 months later and 10 minutes with some bias binding…


…and it looks so neat now. The miracle of bothering to finish things in a tidy way never ceases to amaze me!

Beccy @ wipster 


Unknown said...

Such a cute top. So glad you managed to save it!

Unknown said...

I really like this refashion, very nice!

Wag Doll said...

Great re-fashion. Gotta love bias binding, it hides a multi-tude of sins. I've just bought a little gadget to make my own, hope it works!

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