Wednesday, September 21, 2011

From Top to Scarf With Tutorial

Do you have an old knit shirt or sweater lying around that you no longer wear but you love the fabric? You can turn it into a neck scarf. The whole thing only took me about 15 minutes. A big thank you to Mittie May for standing in as my model today.

First cut off the top. Then cut off the sides. With right sides together, place the two short ends together, not the hem ends, and sew. With right sides together, fold in half lengthwise and sew up the one side. Now turn right side out and close up your ends and you're done.

You may visit me at Sewing With Trudy.


The Family Circus said...

Very cool! I have a few sweaters I should try doing this with...thanks!

Unknown said...

Excellent tutorial! Thanks for sharing

Erica,Editor on Duty

Wag Doll said...

Great idea, looks fab!

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