Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Refashioners....

This week I have been hosting a refashioning challenge on my blog. it involved my sending a group of some of my favourite sewing bloggers a mystery package containing a thrifted garment. The challenge? To turn the mystery item from hum drum..... gorgeous and fabulous! The idea was to show that refashioning isn't just about shortening, taking in, etc but is actually a brilliant creative outlet that allows you to really let the ideas flow without the "restriction" of following  pattern instructions.
All of the posts for this challenge can be found here along with links to these lovely ladies' individual blogs. I hope you find them as inspiring as I have!


cwaycarter said...

Wow! Such a great idea! And these transformations are pretty impressive!

Becky said...

I tend to be more of a lurker than a commenter, usually, but I've really enjoyed following this on your blog this week. The transformations are amazing. Thanks for setting this up and sharing it with us!

Ashleigh Peanutpepper said...

I adore this!

Unknown said...

Thanks Cway, Becky and Miss Ash. Those ladies are pretty talented for sure :)

Anonymous said...

I loved following this on your blog. It was a really cool concept and everyone's projects turned out great!

Refashion said...

What a great idea! :)

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