I set out to make my own "tribute" to this dress... charity shop style! I used only the highest quality raw material around... old t-shirts ;-) I picked up three specimens and got started cutting them up.
To see whether I was successful, click on over to my blog, Charity Shop Chic. There's loads more pictures and a detailed description of how I made this:
Thanks for reading!
Brilliant, brilliant! You're so clever
oh yeah! but I totally like yours better.
Sandy in the UK
WOW! That is a brilliant refashion!!!!
Looks like a successful knockoff to me--nice work!
Thanks for the kind comments everyone! Really happy you liked the dress :-)
Now that's an upscale refashion! I, too, love yours even more than the original. Great job!
OK -- that is outstanding. I love it! Totally impressed.
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