Sunday, September 25, 2011

T-shirt Ruffle Skirt

Hey refashioners. Erica here (Thursday's Refashion Co-op Editor), I wanted to show you all a project I am doing - making ruffle skirts for little girls out of unwanted t-shirts and jersey tops.



Little girl ruffle skirt

I can't take credit for the idea, because I used a pattern and tutorial from, called the Rings of Ruffles Skirt. If any of you are interested in making one of these skirts, I have a giveaway on my blog for a bundle pack of three patterns/tutorials from Here is the link!

Oh, and there will be be a grown up version of the ruffle skirt coming soon!!


Lollean said...

super dooper cute

Amy said...

Love! Want to make one for myself!

Huli said...

sweet! i love ruffle skirts!

Refashion said...

The skirt looks very cute - girly but not too girly.


Becky said...

Cute! I'll be looking forward to seeing how you make an adult-sized one, since I have no little girls to sew for!

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