Tuesday, October 08, 2013

From his trousers to my skirt

                                   BEFORE                                                                     AFTER

Hi refashionistas !

For my first contribution to this community blog, please find a refashion project from last summer. You'll find more pictures and explanations of the process on Cafekam's blog 

Have a nice day.


Corina said...

So many of these denim patchwork projects end up looking hoky to me but your skirt is actually really well done. I'd totally wear that!

Anonymous said...

Great refashion. I love the red trim at the bottom. :)

Unknown said...

I really love how you have dealt with the seam in the middle by making more sections vertically.

Eddie EOD

Unknown said...

PLease remember to add your username: Camille Cafekam for your next post. I have done it this time for you :-)

Eddie EOD

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