Thursday, January 28, 2016

5 dresses into 5 pencilskirts

My closet was full, but I had nothing to wear, classic. I sorted through everything, and realised I had at lot of too short knit and jersey dresses, that I didn't wear. I needed skirts, so the solution was obvious. Snip snip.
And an added bonus is that you don't need to hem the bottom, as it is already hemmed.

When do I need a dress like this. No. Snip snip.

I used my favourite method for a non-casing, non-twisting not-crunched up elastic waist. Se the method here: The easy and beautiful elastic waist. (scroll down for the English language version).
I used a wide 4 cm (1½") elastic.

Red jersey dress before and after:

I did the same trick with four more dresses:

White and grey striped cotton/viscose (rayon) jersey:

Beige and black wool:
The wide, not crunched, elastic makes for a good looking waistband, so you can wear it with a tucked in shirt and it still looks good.

Brown knitted wool:

Burgundy and pink wool:

I had cut one more dress apart, as can be seen in the photo of the cut skirts, but it wanished into thin air. Dear psycic cat, where is my grey and green skirt-to-be?


jennifer elliott said...

Beautiful! I love turning old clothes into skirts -- although I think I collected too many skirts. Great job.

Jennifer, EOD

vintagevogue said...

I was having a little trouble with Google Translate on the tutorial. :) Do you sew around the skirt once or twice? It sounded like once around the top edge with a zigzag, but was there another time around the bottom edge?

Saga said...

The tutorial is also in English, scroll down.:-)

TheRefashStash said...



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