Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Flower Power Part 1

Hello Refashion Co-op. It's Chickie here. I was snowed in for 5 days and did a lot of sewing. Here is the first of a floral top refashion.

It started with this pretty top. The bold design is great. I love it. The ruffle and full cut of the top really looked awful. It was so puffy. I am a little top heavy anyway, this top just made it worse. I looked like a balloon. A pretty floral balloon.

I decided to put part of it together with a plain blue T shirt. It was a nice color and it was long sleeved. It would be much better for winter. It's really cold out there.

Here is the finished top. I thought the dark color would help me look less puffy and the T shirt means both my shoulders are covered. I like that too.

For more pictures and details go to, I Can Work With That.
Thanks for reading, now go make something fun for yourself.


jennifer elliott said...

I like that! I'm in sewing mode of combining shirts into one. Great refashion.

Jennifer, EOD

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks. My shirt refashions are the ones I get the most wear out of. 😄

TheRefashStash said...

Perfect! Now it's just enough of the pattern!


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