Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The easy DIY dress refashion + quick mistake fix

I’ve had these two less than stellar dresses hiding in my stash for ages:

Ugh, the grey one is shapelessly stretched out and the other, although adorable, shrank in the wash and is now too short to cover my bits so a refashion is definitely in order!

So much better! Discover how I combined those two dreadful dresses + my quick fix for the refashionista mistake I make far too often in my groovy video tute.


jennifer elliott said...

I love it!!! It seems like the two dresses were kind of made for each other! Awesome refashion!

Jennifer, EOD

cfort82 said...

Love the transformation! The lace looks great even if it wasn't part of the original plan. :-)

Upcycled Design Lab

g.satansbraten said...

Despite the fact of an indeed better look: did it really turn out longer?

LG, Gerlinde

Confessions of a Refashionista said...

Cheers gals! It's a grand result! (It is indeed much longer than the shrunken dress that didn't cover my bottom at all 😉 I like short dresses but they gotta cover my bits!)

TheRefashStash said...

Love love love!!!


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