Thursday, May 10, 2012

DIY: Purple Refashion

Hello! I've got another refashion for you. This time is purple and elegant. :) Check out how I changed this:

Into this:

 P.S.: The hole is on the back. :))) For the tutorial and more refashions check out
See you soon! xx Nina Mia


  1. I thought: She must have a gigantic bust to support a peep keyhole that size! then I looked at your blog and discovered that is the BACK!
    Great technique with the braid edging. Very pretty result.

  2. LOL!! I thought the same thing as Kathy at first too! Now that I see its the back, I love it! Plus purple is my FAVE xD nice job Nina!

  3. Just seen the brading you did over on your blog link, very cool!

    Erica, EOD

  4. Just seen the brading you did over on your blog link, very cool!

    Erica, EOD

  5. Thank you so much! I think I should edit the post and put that it's on the back. LOL :)) xx Nina Mia


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