Thursday, May 31, 2012

Paint + Doily+ Sweatshirt

I found a fabulous sweatshirt at the thrift store. 
My size.
Perfect Condition, just boring.  (exactly what I look for)

I ironed an old doily and sewed it onto the back just to see how it would look. 

It looked like someone sewed Grandma’s white doily onto a sweatshirt. Somehow I thought it would turn out really awesome, but it looked ridiculous.

When my little girls were painting rocks, I pulled out the Grandma sweatshirt and started painting away.  I still think it looks silly, but it was really fun to paint and I
think I now earned a “C” for effort on this little project.

Amy Jo at The Little Moments


  1. I think this looks gorgeous! I love the way that you've painted the doily. But then, I am a lover of grandma style & old doilies, haha.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a great idea to paint your doily, nice!

    Erica EOD

  4. I love this! Terrific idea to add color.
    It is nice how it is but since you are clearly not totally happy with it, I wonder about putting a bit more blue paint on the white part to transition into the sweat shirt.

  5. It is bright, happy and lots of fun.


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