Thursday, May 24, 2012

Refashioned Red Dress

This dress is one of the many I bought at the school yard sale back in April.

There was so much wrong with this dress: the collar, the buttons, the sleeves.  You get the point.  What's funny is that the only reason I even began working on this dress is because I liked the print and I needed some of the fabric for another project.

I removed the sleeves, collar, buttons, and front faux-breast pockets.

Next, I removed the buttons from the front and sewed the front closed.  Because the front looked so wonky, I decided to turn the dress around.  Lastly, I removed about a foot and a half of material from the bottom of the dress and hemmed all of the rough edges.

Now I want everyone's opinion.  Does the dress look better with no belt, the skinny black belt, or the matching belt?  I also have a black chunky belt I am thinking of pairing with the dress...

Visit my blog for more details and pictures of this refashion.


  1. I like the black belt best of those options - but I suspect the wider belt would be even better.

  2. Black chunky! Love love love what you did

  3. Add a belt definitely! Always looks good to define your waist. :$

  4. Very cool. I kinda like it with no belt. Pretty!

  5. Prefer with the black belt, but think a wider belt would look great

    Great dress!

    Erica, Editor on Duty

  6. Love the matching belt, even if I don't like the matchy-matchy look. Love your refashion, it took a really dumpy dress into something I would totally wear.

  7. My vote is:
    Best: belt with dress fabric
    Good: no belt
    Okay: skinny black belt


Please contact the editor on duty if you have problems posting comments.