Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Say it loud. Say it proud.

Hands up who DOESN’T love Crafster?  I found this project when I was reading my emails in the First Class BA lounge at LHR Sunday. (Yikes. LAST Sunday. Where does that first week back get to?). 
Anyhow, it had only been a short time since handing in my landing card, on which I need to put my occupation. Without any hesitation these days I write in all caps: HOUSEWIFE. Sometimes I would put author, other times jewellery designer but I got my head right now. Housewife is my occupation. (To certain folk I sadly need to add: get over it). It seems only fitting that my T state my beliefs

and even more fitting that it is one of Himself’s old Ts (taken in a good few inches at either side). The bleach to water mix I used was 3:1. I slid a couple sheets of cardboard between the front and back so the bleach wouldn’t seep through and performed the procedure in a sunny back yard after testing a bit of the bleach mix to make sure it was the right strength. The templates were cut from cereal boxes and I measured with the T on me where the letters were to start and end. I’m leaving the cut edges raw. Might consult my little square orange book for some other cutting options. This shirt CLEARLY needs more attitude.

My top tip would be to make your letters a wee bit bigger than your finished design plan as the bleach did spread a bit UNDER the templates. Oh, and use a light touch when spraying the bleach. You can add more but you can’t take it back....

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