Thursday, June 07, 2012

A New Shirt From an Old Skirt

shirt refashion

Hello.  I am so excited about my first post on Refashion Co-op!  My name is Mandy, but my superhero name is MysticMandy. I recently started a blog I call Mandy Made.

Do you ever look in your closet and think "I have NOTHING to wear!!"  Well, that happens to me.  All. The. Time.  And since I'm broke, I try to change the old things into new things.  This shirt, for example, went from being a skirt that I NEVER wear, to a fun summer top... In FIVE minutes!

Here is the skirt I started with.  It's a stretchy knit.  It looks innocent enough, but the waistband (which is SUPPOSED to fold over) always manages to unfold itself throughout the day, adding an additional few inches to my waist.  Who wants that?  Not me.

To learn how I made this easy-peasy shirt, head on over to Mandy Made.  I am always happy to meet new refashionistas, learn about fun projects, read comments and attract new followers.  Thanks for reading my first post :) 
refashion upcycle shirt

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Mandy! I have a superhero name too!!! xD I can already tell I'm gonna love you ;)
    Awesome top, BTW!


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