Saturday, April 26, 2014

White jeans plus a sad sack

I took a pair of big white jeans and converted it to a bodice using a simplicity pattern. My original plan went out the door so I had to rethink everything. I decided to use the bottom half of another sad sack dress I found which I didn't care for the bodice. Or even the back as it was all button down the back. Not conducive to wearing. So I added the two together to get a new dress. Which now I love!

More on this refashion here. I have 31 refashions done this year! Almost 1/3 to my goal of 99! Yeah!



  1. oh well done! especially for the progress towards your goal.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. Wow. Successful refashion, I'd say. You look adorable! Who'd've thought that?! Great job.

    Happy trails,

  3. Another great project! Very creative use of the white jeans.

    - Elizabeth, EOD
    aka The Hungry Octopus


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