Monday, January 18, 2016

Denim and Lace

A couple years ago, I bleached a dated, striped denim jacket to create a fresh, white jacket. Sadly, and not surprisingly, I think the bleach probably weakened the fabric, and one fateful day, rrriiiiiippp went the side panel when I raised my arm. Not to worry! I've got a too-tight lace tee that'll fill in that hole nicely.

Lace Panel Denim Jacket - BeforeLace Panel Denim Jacket - Before

I snipped the damaged panel from the jacket and the same panel from the other side, leaving a bit of fabric around the edges that will fray nicely over time. Then I used the intact panel as a template to cut two symmetric pieces of lace. I stitched each lace piece to the inside of the jacket holes.

Lace Panel Denim Jacket - After

And just like that, my torn jacket was good as new! Better even!

Lace Panel Denim Jacket - After

For more details and photos, visit me over at CarissaKnits!

Lace Panel Denim Jacket - Before & After


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