Thursday, August 18, 2016

More Metallic

For last week's Refashion Runway metallic challenge, I had originally planned an all gold outfit, pairing this oversized gold sparkly sweater with my pleated curtain skirt, but it turned out to be too much gold for me. It's difficult to capture the sparkles, but trust me, they're there.

Gold Sweater - Before

Updating this pullover was incredibly easy. I carefully removed the white polyester collar and cuffs. Then I took in the sides to fit. And finally, I put it on backward. Yep, backward!

Gold Sweater - After

Gold Sweater - After

I'll still totally wear this top, just not with an entirely gold ensemble.
You can see more details and photos of this sweater at CarissaKnits!

Gold Sweater - Before & After


  1. Nice job! A girl should have at least one shiny or sparkly top in her closet.

    Jennifer, EOD

  2. I love the simplified version. Nice sparkles.

  3. That really suits you, what a fab new addition to your wardrobe! :)

  4. I really like this! The V-neck in the back is a nice touch, too. I'd have never thought of that...


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