Saturday, August 06, 2016

REFASHION: men's baggy khakis to skinny khakis

I recently started a new part-time job, and so far, I love it! Besides loving the job, I love the dress code: jeans and a T-shirt! JEANS AND A T-SHIRT! If I can't wear sweatpants to work then jeans is the next best thing. I have five or six pairs of jeans in my arsenal, but I know two pairs are too small and I should throw them into my refashion pile. I have another two pairs that are my favorite because the fit is perfection.


And the last two pairs I'm too scared to try on, thinking they might be too small and fearing I've gained a few pounds. Instead of trying on the jeans, I went shopping instead -- logical thinking, right? After rummaging through the clearance sections, I didn't find any pair of jeans I liked but I found a pair of nice dress pants and pair of men's drawstring khaki pants.


The men's drawstrings khaki pants were too long, too big, and too baggy on me. No problem. Fixing the baggy issue was very simple -- I sewed a new inseam. Normally, I slim down jeans or pants by sewing new side seams but the crotch area was really low. The new inseam solved the baggy problem AND the low crotch area! Yay! A new hem to fit my short length was a piece of cake.


For more details and pictures, please click here.

Until next time -- Jennifer Elliott


  1. Very nice and good tip. Also, I want your job! Hahaha

  2. Wow, I have never tried to refashion men's pants. That opens up so many possibilities. Way to go! They look great.
    Chickie EOD


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