Sunday, February 19, 2017

#42 Back to School Wardrobe: Fleece Pullover to Vest

REFLECTIONS: During winter school break I created a Jan/Feb winter wardrobe for school days.
  • Main colors: greys with pinks, maroons, blacks, greens.
  • Most items: from pre-retirement wardrobe in need of updates. Some had never been worn.
  • This motivated Re-fashions to move items into the “back to school days wardrobe.”
BEFORE: Too small, grey fuzzy fleece pull-over from re-fashion stash.
Grey strip t was in the pre-retirement wardrobe and still had the store tag. 

  • Seam rip to remove tight waist/sleeve cuff ribbing, bulky collar, short zipper.
  • Cut / insert facing cut from old ribbed yoga pants.
  • Cut sleeve 1 inch from armhole. Serge edge. Turn to create sleeve facing.
  • Lengthen waist ribbing with sleeve cuff ribbing.
AFTER:  Fleece vest for the winter "back to school wardrobe." A new combo for the never worn t.
Winter Wardrobe:
Many in need of Re-fashion

After: Grey fleece vest
 enters the Winter Wardrobe
Tag is on the years old stripe t.

After: Fleece Vest

Ribbing lengthened with cuff ribbing 
Grey facing cut from yoga pants. 
1 inch left on sleeve.
 Turned to form facing.
So easy!

Too small fleece pullover.


  1. Great refashion. I love that you made the pullover your own.

    1. Thanks Chickie. I hope our weather holds so I can wear this set to school tomorrow. It was too warm today.

  2. Great work making the striped t shirt a feature. It's tempting (for me) to just donate old pieces with tags still on because I get stuck in thinking I never wore it so I never will wear it. Your solution is much more economical in saving the timeless striped shirt!

    1. It is tempting to toss unworn. I've done it before.
      Pulling the grey wardrobe together helped identify those need to wear items.
      I have some pieces in the attic unworn for many years. I hope to get into those when off this summer.


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