Saturday, July 30, 2011

How NOT to Advertise Your Sewing Skills

I'm swamped with work!  Which, while it is a fabulously good thing, leaves very little time for me to do any refashioning at the moment.  I should have a break in about a week, but in the meantime, here's a photo someone took of me in the band room:

A perfect example of days when I can't see straight.
We were prepping for marching band uniform fittings, and that morning I grabbed this t-shirt because I knew the students wouldn't be there.  I just didn't know the photographer would.  Argh.  And now it's up on the band web-site, so EVERYONE can see how crookedy this refashion is.'s my very first one.  I don't have a tutorial on it - I didn't take photos of it because I was too worried it wouldn't come out right, LOL!  I just loved the t-shirt and wanted to get rid of some bleach stains that had appeared out of nowhere, right across the front.  I found the knit fabric in my local fabric store's dollar bin, so the refashion only cost about 25 cents total.  So I figured even if it didn't come out right, I hadn't lost anything (except a fave t-shirt) in the process.   

If no one holds a level up to my chest, I should be good.


  1. never mind. it is a style detail, not a mistake!
    Sandy in the UK

  2. If you don't point it out no one would think it wasn't a plan!

  3. I'd wear it! :)


  4. I think it looks great, such a neat idea, too. I wouldn't worry about it, with the way you're standing in the picture, I couldn't tell anything was wrong with it until you pointed it out.

    And I envy the band uniform thing, too. I helped with those when my son was in marching band too. He graduated a couple of years ago and I miss marching band activities so much, much more than I thought I would. It was alot of time consuming, hard work back then, but now I miss it! :(


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