Friday, July 01, 2011

My Chef Wannabe!

Hello, being as this is my first post, I shall introduce myself. My name is Corinna but you can call me cc, much easier to remember! I am a stay-at-home mom and quite happy to be such! My biggest joys in life are my family, my pets and sewing!

My son decided one day that he needed a chef's hat and he wanted it to be very "poofy". I knew I had to find some very stiff fabric to give the hat some body. After all, he wanted a mushroom shape, not a pancake!
The local thrift shop had a surplus of military uniform shirts. The fabric was quite stiff and stain free.

After disassembling the entire shirt, I found there was more than enough material to make a hat as "poofy" as he desired.
As you might be able to tell, he is quite pleased with his new hat!


  1. Now THIS is something I haven't seen yet in blogland. So original and so clever! Very fun; thanks for sharing this!


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