Thursday, July 28, 2011

time to throw in the towel?

All right, refashionistas, I need some advice!

Still working on those shoes I showed in my last post. I finally got the denim all over one of them, and decided to play around with finishing the edges before I move on to the second shoe.

Frankly, it looks awful so far. The ribbon's not laying down evenly, there's all sorts of weird sharp edges where the ribbon goes over the curves, and despite my efforts to be careful, the glue keeps showing on the fabric.

Not to mention the dual problems of getting the ends to not skew to the side/how to deal with the back strap.

I'm thinking this idea would have worked much, much better with a less strappy shoe--or at least one where the underside doesn't show as part of the design. So I'm wondering if it's time to admit that maybe these shoes can't be saved? Or if there's a better solution to finishing these off? Honestly, if this is an indication of how they're going to end up looking, I'd rather go back to deconstructing a shirt or something, and have finished things to share again!

Any thoughts/advice would be much appreciated.


  1. First of all you r doing 10x better than me. I could probably never refashion shoes. So give yourself props. The only thing I can suggest is cover it up. I may have seen someone use scraps of fabric and attach them to the straps. But they were super frilly and girly girl so that not be what you want. But if you can't fix then cover it up, like clothes with holes ;)

  2. Shoes are really difficult - you might try pulling off the ribbon edging and possibly cutting bias strips of a fabric to wrap around the straps and glue at strategic points. It will fray, but I've seen some lovely effects with shoes done that way. And trust me, you wouldn't be the first one of us who has had to submit and call it a day if you do decide to do that! We've ALL been there! Maybe we should have a page for Co-op bloopers.....

  3. Heh...a tag for refashion fails could be kind of fun! I know I've had plenty of attempts that didn't work out, and I'm a firm believer in blogging my screw-ups along with my successes. It's all a learning process, and if my mistakes can help someone else avoid them, or give someone the confidence to try something out even if it may not work, all the better, right?

  4. This is just me, but I'd give up. It's not you, it's the shoes. :)

    The more time you spend on them, the more you feel like because you've spent so much time on them already you should spend more time on them. Yes, that's a run-on sentence. :) You might be stuck in a vicious cycle. 'bout this...put them aside for a few weeks and revisit them with a fresh mind and fresh eyes.

    -Jillian, EOD

  5. I'd go with Jillian's advice I reckon. Go back to them after a few weeks when you're less angry with them!


  6. I'm thinking of "fixing" some old keens, and wondering if you had any success with these.


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