Monday, August 01, 2011

Announcing: Weekly Challenges on Refashion Co-Op!

Hello there, intrepid refashionistas! Behind the scenes at Refashion Co-Op, we're constantly discussing how to expand and refine what we're doing with this blog, and recently we thought we'd start up weekly challenges. The basic idea is this: we'll post a refashion theme, then let you have at it! You'll have a week to upload your refashions, and at the end we'll gather around, admire one another's handiwork, engage in some casual voting for bragging rights!

This won't replace of what this blog is all about - showcasing your ingenious and beautiful refashions - but if you like a challenge or find you need a tad bit of extra motivation to tackle a new project, then you may well enjoy participating in our Weekly Challenges! While this all is going on, please feel free to continue posting your regular posts, as we enjoy seeing each and every one of them. We won't run a Weekly Challenge every week (more like every couple weeks or so), but we thought it would be fun to mix things up a bit to make this community as lively as possible.

First challenge won't run until next week (give us some time to work out the details!), but to give you a heads up ... in honor of the recent Royal Wedding ... the theme of our very first Weekly Challenge is: Lace.

Now I know there are some fantastic lace projects out there just itching to be started, finished, photographed and/or showcased! We'll start the challenge next Sunday (8/7) and run it through Saturday (meaning that 'official entries' into the lace-themed Weekly Challenge should be posted between 8/7 and 8/14). Ready ... set ... refashion!

PS: if you have ideas for other themes please drop us an email or leave a comment in this post! Thanks!


  1. I think this is a great idea--and I look forward to seeing everyone's entries!

    Hmm, for future ideas... What about Gender Bending? For example refashioning a men's shirt into something for a woman, or vice versa. Or what about Ugly duckling where you refashion something truly hideous and what would originally appear beyond repair? A real challenge!

    Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! :)

  2. Love this idea, wish I had some lace! Great to have a refashion challenge.

    How about a transform challenge? Where you take a dress and make it into pants or a tablecloth into a dress.

    Can't wait to see the entries!


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