Friday, August 19, 2011

From Shower Curtain to Pool Bag With Tutorial

Here are the instructions for the pool bag I promised you in the post about how to make the swimsuit coverups from a towel in this post.


Cut three 5 1/2 X 12-inch rectangles and two 12X12-inch squares out of a vinyl shower curtain or some other vinyl material. Attach them as you see in the pictures with right sides facing to the inside, then sew up each side. You must either sew these pieces together with a serger or by hand. The vinyl gets stuck on the bed of the sewing machine and jams up the thread. Turn right side out. Fold the top down a quarter of an inch toward the inside of the bag and stitch down by hand.

I picked up the material for the handles at Wal*Mart. They sell it by the yard. I sewed them on the machine. To get it to go smoothly under the machine, I placed a square of fabric to the inside of where I would be sewing the handles and then stitched it as well when I sewed the handle in place.

You can see, if you look closely, where the threads are all jumbled and knotted up where I folded down the top a quarter of an inch. I tried sewing it on the machine, and it wouldn't feed through smoothly. It kept getting stuck, and the threads kept getting tangled up.

You may visit me at Sewing With Trudy.


jessica said...

Ooooh! Clever use of a vinyl shower curtain -- doubly so for pool stuff! Thanks for the tutorial as well, looks like a quick but satisfying project.

Thanks for sharing with us!

Sew Her Style said...

This is brilliant and so easy I was just looking for a tut on beach bags! :)

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