Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Always a Bridesmaid, Never in Style...

Anyone who knows me, is well aware that I have been going OFF about the movie Bridesmaids finally being released on DVD.  By far one of the BEST and funniest movies of all time (no, really) it is a sure Oscar contender (not really, but just because Oscars are stoopid).  A more witty, female version of "The Hangover" it had a little something that everyone could relate too. 

While this little ditty is more "Mother of the Bride" than "Bridesmaid" it still fit the necessary criteria:  shape=none, color=workable, cheesetastic posability=high and likely.  A freebie from my gorgeous and generous Gramma (Thanks Grams!) it still had the dry cleaning tag on it and once deconstructed, offered more than one workable piece.  Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was home sewn.  Ahhhh!
Whoa!!  Blue satin, blue lace, and a train.  Help!

Much better (read:  wearable) and back by popular demand, My Little Guy!

More gory details on how I achieved the transformation



-e. said...

That looks great! :)

The Family Circus said...

A much needed and awesome up-grade. I totally sympathize with the look on your face in the before pic.

I think if I had been asked to wear that I would have run away...fast!

Jenni said...

totally different!
looks great on you now
Jenni EOD

Wag Doll said...

The new dress is gorgeous! well done!

OrloSubito said...

woww nice change!!!

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