Monday, September 05, 2011

Different Takes on Same Shirt

My sister had four of these shirts that she didn't like anymore - too sloppy and unconstructed. Since plus-size clothes are more expensive and harder to find at thrift stores, I thought I would try refashioning them. She had olive green, navy, and red in addition to this light blue one here. She refuses to wear olive green and the light blue one has a stain that I am still trying to work around, but here are the navy and red ones.

I added some narrow navy and white striped fabric left over from another shirt refashion. You can't tell, but I had to trim some fabric off the shoulders so the seam wouldn't hang off the shoulders, and shorten the sleeves on both. She likes the red one more because it did away with the buttons and for some reason she was averse to the buttons. (I also made the printed shirt underneath. )

1 comment:

  1. Lovely refashions, I esepcially like the navy one with the trim, it looks very chic.



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