Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Khaki Pants to Reversible Tote

I used the fabric from the back of the pants as ready-made pockets on one side...

and added a little ribbon trim on the other side to make it a little more feminine.

Check out my blog for more details on how I made this bag and another similar one!


azu said...

This is such a wonderful idea! It makes me wish I had a pair of old khakis to reconstruct :)

I really like your blog. You have tons of great ideas...it's very inspiring. I'm now following!


Elise said...

Thanks so much for your encouragement! I'm glad that you are enjoying my blog! I bet you could find a pair of khakis at a thrift store pretty cheap to do a refashion with :)

Jenni said...

Great idea Elise!

Jennifer said...

I’d love to try this with a pair of my husband’s green khakis, but the link at the bottom doesn’t go anywhere. Help!

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