Thursday, September 01, 2011

You Don't Need Drugs to Be Dope

Hey refashionistas!

I'm Camille and this is my first contribution to the co-op. This was my very first refashion from a few years ago and I really haven't done much since then. Recently, I've been so inspired by all of the awesome refashions being shared online that I've decided to give it another go.

I think it will be easier to stay motivated now that I have a sewing machine :-)

I found this t-shirt for a couple of dollars at a local resale store called Rag-O-Rama (has since been renamed Avalon Exchange). The refashion was easy peasy. In fact, I sewed it by hand.



For instructions, visit my blog here.

1 comment:

  1. Love t-shirt refashions like this, very cool! thanks for sharing

    Erica, Editor on Duty


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