Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Graffiti Jeans

My 11 year old daughter Emily and I love to sew and refashion clothing together. She had the idea to take a pair of ankle-length black jeans that were too short and still fit in the waist and remove color by flicking and painting bleach onto them (outside of course), basically reverse dying. She also cut them shorter in an interesting design and left them unhemmed. I asked her how she would describe the hem for me. She said she just cut violently. Great way to release pent up tension and frustration I suppose. She is very pleased with the results and wears them often. In the first picture she is shown with her four year old brother. 

Emily wants to be a fashion designer. She used to have her own blog called Super Stitches which she had had since she was 8, but it was removed due to her age. She will be blogging again soon as a guest blogger on my blog from time to time. The new feature will be called Emily's Corner. In a few weeks she will share a dress that she designed and made without a pattern. We blog at Sewing With Trudy.


La La Lauren!!! said...

very cute! she does a great job!

Editor on Duty

poet said...

Wow, great bleach job! I tried this once with a pair of normal denim-colored jeans, it didn't work as well - I guess the contrast wasn't as good as with black!

learningnewtricks said...

Emily did a great job on her jeans. I remember her blog, and that you previously mentioned her young age for it being terminated. I am sure she is excited to begin posting on your blog as a guest designer.
What a sweet mom, glad you are inspiring and supporting Emily's designer ambitions.

Unknown said...

They look brilliant!! I've love a pair!

Bat Ma'am said...

AWESOME, what a lovely and creative family, she had such a cool idea. My 11yo niece would love this, thanks for sharing!

The Renegade Seamstress said...

Love love love this!

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