Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Cashmere Leftovers

Today's refashion was never supposed to be. This is a rescue refashion made from the leftovers from another refashion that I had intended to use for a set of potholders. 

comfy but not wearable (yet)
1 comfy cashmere sweater + 1 soft tunic length t-shirt = 1 very soft poncho.

To see all the steps in-between head on over to Making a Poncho From a Cashmere Sweater.


  1. WOW I absolutely love this, perfect for up and coming winter (on our side of the world) Clever!

  2. I forget that we have readers and editors that aren't in the same season that we are. I was racing to get a bunch of winter refashions onto my blog but now I can relax and post at leisure :)

  3. I love the asymetry. Normal I'm not a fan of the poncho but this is one of the few (very few) that I have liked. Can't wait to make my own!


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