Saturday, April 07, 2012

"Hats off to You" Tee

Hats off to the person who donated this failed stencil project to the local thrift store.
This failed project has now become a fun refashion.
This smudged stencil t-shirt had a lot of potential and therefore it deserved being rescued.

So out came my old button collection.

Placed a row of buttons on the outside rim of the stencil hat.
Dyed some old stained white ric-rac a vibrant blue and fashioned a bow. Bow was then sewn into placed.
More importantly I needed to incorporated an orange button(Ollie's favourite colour) for the pompom detail.

So hats off to you my stencil friend......I have enjoyed the opportunity of re-fashioning your smudged hat tee.


Bat Ma'am said...

Nice job, that turned out cute!!!


Thanks. It is cute in a Mezzy quirky sort of way. Now I just have to see if my harshest refashioning critic(three and a half years old) is willing to wear it.

Refashion said...

Great addition. Thanks for sharing! -Seeks, EOD

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