Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My "Pillow Cape"!

Nope, it is not a misprint, I really mean Pillow CaPe. Because well, it used to be a Pillow Case, and it is now a Cape. *Grin*

Sorry, this contribution is a bit late, I apologize. And all of a sudden - spring is here!

While it is still a bit chilly in Vienna, people are starting to sit outside. The cafes are all providing blankets, but how about just wearing a cuddly pillow? 
This was a very inexpensive pillow from some huge Swedish furniture store. It had a zipper and all I did was open a few seams and sew it back together in a different way...

If you are interested how I did it (it's a super quick project!), come visit my blog HERE, where I show you how I sewed it together.
Best to all of you,



  1. Well done. I think that this is really creative and a clever repurpose of a cushion cover.

  2. Nice way to repurpose something!

    LaLaLauren, EOD


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