Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A funky print granny top transformed

Hello all! Let me first say as a resident of New Jersey I hope my fellow statesmen (and our neighbors across the river) are able to recover some sense of safety and normalcy soon, as Sandy has wreaked havoc in our lives. My family and I are safe, dry, with power, so we are among the lucky ones. The storm left its mark in a big way with downed trees in our area, but we were spared much of the devastation that others were not so lucky to avoid. Please, be safe as you start cleaning up!

We did lose partial power in our building, so I was unable to finish some of the tops I'd hoped to post here today (didn't feel like setting up my sewing machine in another room) but I do have one to share. It is made of the dreaded polyester, but I couldn't pass it up once I'd seen the print. So, I figured I'd save it for fall/winter, and make it into something to wear with a cardi or a jacket. Here's a look at the before:

And here's the after!

I cut the sleeves off entirely and made the back racerback style. I cut a triangle out in front which I'd originally planned to leave open, simply finishing off the edges of the cut fabric. The triangle ended up being a bit low on me though. So, I grabbed a scrap of black stretch lace that was barely big enough, and used that to cover the unflattering amount of cleavage that was showing ;) If you notice in the shot of the new front, I created 2 pleats on each side of the bust at the armhole instead of a dart to give it the fit I was looking for. Here's a close-up of the print:

It looks a bit like a mosaic, and is a little busy on its own, but I think a solid jacket or cardi will help to tone it down just enough. Well, I'll have a series of silk tops I've refashioned coming up as we regain full power here in our apartment, hopefully soon! Thanks for reading :)




  1. I was looking at some news pictures of Sandy's devastation today and Insaid to one of my collegues, 'gee, jersey was hit pretty hard'. So I'm glad you've made it through unscathed! My thoughts are with those dealing with the aftermath.
    By the way, love your work with the top! That print looks a lot like an Australian Aboriginal design.

  2. Your top is great, particularly fond of the razor back.

    Glad you are OK after the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

    Erica, EOD


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