Friday, October 26, 2012

A Painted Scarf

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IMG_3193My mom and I stopped at a garage sale together and I was able to snag a couple of scarfs.   She paid for me; I think it was maybe $.50 or a dollar?   Turns out that was too much since there was white paint all over this one.  What?   How did I miss that?  And who uses a pretty scarf around paint?

I challenged myself to do something with it instead of tossing the whole thing.   I added wonder under to the entire thing which stiffened the fabric enough so I could cut out some designs, and then iron it onto a sweater.

I had previously turned this Abercrombie pullover sweater into a cardigan, but it was still too plain for me.
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I added three sections of  the scarf and sewed them down.  
Amy Jo at The Little Moments

1 comment:

  1. That is a very good upcycle project! Most people would've thrown the scarf away. Looks great

    Erica EOD


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