Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Easy Peter Pan Collar for Tees

So this project has been on the back burner for a while and I'm thrilled to finally share it with you. I had trouble trouble figuring out how to make the collar lie smoothly around the neck's curve (my butterfly collar is only a half collar), but Abby at Sew Much Ado had a post about butterfly collars that solved my dilemma  - fold the shirt in half from front to back. Duh! It was definitely a V8 moment. 

The basic idea is to add one layer of raw-edged knit fabric in the shape of a peter pan collar. The collar is lightweight enough that it lies smoothly without pulling the shirt. It's a great way to spruce up a lackluster t-shirt! 

Here's the shirt I started with:

I added a fluttery rayon peter pan collar and knotted tie to get this look:


  1. Very cute. I own that t-shirt in rayon and have been wondering what to do with it. thanks for the idea

  2. I love that, so cute!

    - Adele @ Mammy Made

  3. A lovely pop of colour!



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