Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Long sequin skirt to dress

Err I know I am supposed to be refashioning for the winter but this refashion has been a long time coming. I have just been a slacker. I originally planned for this dress to be cut up into a bellydance costume but couldn't bear to do it for some reason. I opted to turn it into a dress instead!

I took a little off the back to fit me a little bit better. I folded over the elastic band, created a casing and added elastic again. I cheated on how I wanted to define the waist. I 'll show you... Here is the end dress

I used a thin elastic belt to create the slouchy dress.

Way easier than trying to figure out where to put the elastic and then sewing sequins on my machine. I cringed at going so slow. And also used 1 needle just for this dress! For more information on this refashion click here.


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