Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tunic to Dress

I picked up this tunic at the thrift store for $3 with no clue what to do with it. I just knew it was beautiful and I had to have it.

Tunic-to-Dress Refashion - Before

Once I got it home, I decided that it didn't need much to turn it into a lovely autumn dress. I chopped off the sleeves, added some darts and a zipper, and now this dress is perfect for Texas autumn. It has the gorgeous fall colors, but it's sleeveless, so I can pair it with a jacket or sweater when there's a chill in the air, or wear it alone on those 80F/27C degree days.

Tunic-to-Dress Refashion - After

Visit CarissaKnits for more details.


  1. The colours are great and it looks much nicer now that it is fitted.

  2. Love it, what a great find. Well done!

  3. What a difference. Love the colours and the new shape looks great in you.

  4. GOrgeous....though I think your F to C conversion is off a little :)

  5. Oops! You're right. Looks like I forgot to subtract 32 before multiplying by 5/9. Thanks for catching that!


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