Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jeans Skirt Hello

I have been hanging out looking and commenting here since I found it was started when the other refashion blog stopped. But, I was up to my ears teaching sewing then.
Now I have stopped teaching and have some time to make things again.

Just to introduce myself, I have a blog which covers a range of things I make. From wearable art to regular clothing and from small textile art 'sketch' type pieces where I try out an idea to larger textile art pieces I put into exhibitions.

I run a textile art group which meets 4 x a year, as well as a monthy sewing get together for people I have met online who live in my area of the UK.

Here is a refashion I did sometime ago. But it is one of my favourite skirts, so I thought you might like to see it.

I had a way too long jeans skirt my sister gave me because her husband and daughter said it was 'not cool'.

I chopped it off above knee level, then chopped another band off of the lower portion. This was part of the plan. (I am not comfortable with skirts that end up too high when I sit down.)
I turned the band to show the inside, folded it in half and then sewed it onto the bottom of the skirt in a similar way you do with binding...only loads larger. This meant there was no worries about hemming!

This was cool, but I wanted to make it unique.

I drew some doodle sorts of flowers of different types using a permanent marker then painted them in with fabric paint. After they were dry, I heat set the fabric paint with the iron from the back and from the front.(Use baking parchment to protect the iron and the ironing board!!) Then I used the permanent marker again to add the detail.

Front - I painted over both parts, the skirt and the band, which helps to connect the whole look. In order to make the painted motifs stand out more, I outlined each part with the marker as well.

Back - something a bit different for interest

Close up - I added a few more of the abstract flowers because it wanted a bit more. You can see the detailing with the marker on top of the fabric paint.

Oh yeah, now my sister wants it back!

I don't wash this tooo often because inspite of being permanent, the marker does fade a bit. (I wear a slip/petticoat with it, so it doesn't need washing so much.) When I do wash it, I just touch it up again with the marker and I am good to go.
I suppose I could use black paint, but I haven't found a way of applying it that doesn't have blobs or thick lines.

I have a few more things on the refashion pile to get on with for new projects. I am looking forward to joining in rather than just looking! You have some really good ideas on here!



This certainly creates interest and colour on what otherwise would be a plain skirt. Very cheerful and bright.

The Renegade Seamstress said...

Oh, I REALLY like this! So many possibilities!

Refashion said...

Lovely - i can see whay your sister now wants it back!

Debbie EOD

concretenprimroses said...

I love how you reversed the fabric on the bottom of the hem. Makes it so much more interesting without shortening it a lot. The painting is wonderful.

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