Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seeing Spots

This dress was another last-minute grab at the clothes swap I attended last month. It's an XL, is missing its belt, and has a big rip up the back seam. But I love the sheer polka-dotted fabric!

Polka Dot Top - BeforePolka Dot Top - In Progress

I chopped off the top and flipped it upside down. I repaired the torn seam and made new armholes. I pleated the new collar to bring in the excess fabric. And finally, I trimmed the underdress to be just a cami. And now to put it back together...

Polka Dot Top - After

Click on over to CarissaKnits for more details!


  1. Clever plan to turn it upside down! Not sure I would have thought of that.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. That's really clever, turning upside down. Its amazing what you can do with a garment when you look at it differently. Thanks for sharing Carissa!

    Erica EOD


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