Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tshirt to Peplum Top Refashion

Have you been hearing about peplum this fall? I love the style of peplum tops because they are fitted at the top but have that nice little ruffle at the bottom to give you a little flair (and cover up that soft area around your belly.)

I was unsure about the style, so I didn't  want to invest much in it -- and thus was born the tshirt to peplum top!


meet after!

Full instructions and photos for this tshirt to peplum top tutorial are at It's Blogworthy! Thanks for reading and hope you try this fun fall style! 


Fanny said...

Hm... can't really see how it is a peplum... this is what a peplum (or rather, peplos!) is to me:,mod%3D1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=1BKlUIq2Ccqh4gTU-YD4Bw&biw=1920&bih=979&sei=1hKlUNeIFbKN4gTol4H4DQ

But never mind, it's still pretty! =)

idioskosmos said...

Give her a break - it probably looks more like a peplum when it's on...

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