Sunday, December 09, 2012

Finishing up a few missed refashions!

Greetings Refashioners!

It is me, Lauren, the membership editor here, I'm sure some of you know me well from getting all of those wonderful and joyful emails from me :)

Anyways, last month I moved 1,000 miles from the Gulf Coast of Alabama to DC, actually Maryland. Life is very different up here: its cold, I walk everywhere, mass public transit (which I love), security, etc. I am finally getting settled, unpacked, and trying to take on my craft projects on my list. I realized organizing things here that I missed a few posts from my 90 days to DC blogging adventure that I could put here on Refashion Co-Op! So here are the rest!

1. First one was a simple Ann Taylor skirt fix. I feel bad for Ann Taylor b/c I have been thrifting here in DC since moving up here to get more pants and I own a lot of Ann Taylor now and I have never really purchased something from the store here. Basically with this skirt, it fit well but was just long and looked odd  on me.

Luckily this was an easy fix though a bit challenging with the pleats the skirt has (and making sure they were even!) but simply I cut a bunch off the bottom! And wound up with a new skirt. Which needs to be pressed of course!

For more of this refashion click here!

2. Next was the 3X dyeing is a charm! I first started off with this large plaine white shirt.
I wanted it to be a nice new color. So the first round of dyeing I went with Olive Green. And was not happy with the outcome.
It was so light in color that I thought maybe adding blue (dylon's ocean blue) would turn out nice. Again wasn't happy.

Then in the thirds and final dye, I went back to my gold old friend RIT dye and dyed it black in conjunction with another project. I got a cool charcoal grey top which makes the arm embroidery pop. Much happier.

This project was actually 2 blog posts: here and here, for more information. I did take it in some since the shirt was very big on me during the dyeing process. It was right at the time life got super crazy with the move and I was running around like a crazy person.

3. I turned a butterfly skirt into a one-shoulder winged top. Which took a lot of pinning and frustration.
Here is what I had as a finished project and more of that project can be found here.

4. I also did my first jewelry refashion- I had a tangled up mess of a necklace that I took apart-which took me way longer than I expected and turned into a simple necklace. More of what I did here.

5. Finally, I also wrote something on all the refashions that didn't happen. I know a lot of people think that everything I touch turns to refashion gold. It isn't always the case. It is pretty funny on all the different things I had that didn't make it (or didn't make the move to DC since we had limited space). Click here for the article.

I hope all is well in Refashion Land. Have a happy Holidays! :)

(membership editor)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the move! What great refashion inspiration!

    Debbie EOD


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