Monday, December 17, 2012

No. 4 Special

I was always going to give this refashion technique a go on an old slightly paint-splattered long sleeve T 

before cutting up that new cashmere sweater sitting in the re-f box.

It is more or less number four from the little square orange book, but with no machine sewing.

I like the scrappy look for what is a very over-priced expensive pullover -- not bought by me of course as I'd never spend that sort of money on a garment of ANY sort. It was donated to the cause by its original owner, who would have returned it but cut off the tags and lost the receipt (sigh), but I am still having trouble taking the scissors to it! This test version happily pairs up with a rather thin long sleeve Gap T bought at the outlets last week during one of Himself and my twice a year trips to the land of my birth.


1 comment:

Refashion said...

I like the drapey/wrap style. Looking forward to seeing it on the cashmere!

Debbie EOD

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