Hello everyone! I've been quite the busy and stressed person lately so I've not paid very much attention to all the 'secondary' blogs I write for lately...and that's a terrible thing to say, but it's true. Anyway, I'm back with a new post for you today...well not new on my blog, but new here! :)
Today's Refashion: This was a much needed project for me since I HATE pushing up or rolling up the sleeves on my shirts when I'm busy doing things. It feels like a waste of time, and not only that, but it's annoying too!
Anyway, this is a really simple refashion. All you have to do is figure out how long you want the sleeves on your shirt to be, cut them off just a bit longer than that (so you have fabric to fold under for the new hem!), pin the raw edge under and sew the new hem for your shirt sleeves! All done, easy as that!
View the original post about this Refashion Project here!
Until next time,
Blue Eyed Beauty Blog (Bloglovin, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest)
Exercise Encouragement Group Blog (Bloglovin, Facebook, Pinterest)
It is amazing how something so little can make such a difference. :)