Thursday, February 14, 2013

DIY Faux Pearl Necklace Tutorial

I have another refashion coming up next week, but this is one of my favorite accessory DIY I've done since I started refashioning. I love jewelry and accessories -- they can really pull together an outfit and make you looked polished.  Here is a super-simple project that can add some style and sophistication to your outfit for next to nothing and with no jewelry making experience!

If you're a Mardi Gras person, you might have lots of old plastic beads laying around...and what on earth are you going to do with them? I have always just thrown them away. My husband was a high school basketball coach and I had tons of strings of beads from games. Here's how I started this project:

You need two strings of beads, spray paint, jump rings, needle nosed pliers, a chain, and a glue gun.

And here's how it ended up:

Try your hand at this wearable art. It's easy enough to make a whole slew of them in every color! Visit It's Blogworthy for the full instructions.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I can't wait to make myself one of these! Thanks for sharing! :)

Unknown said...

Very neat idea - must try
Eddie EOD

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